Thursday, October 12, 2006

Acne Solution: Answer to an Age Old Problem

There has been a plethora of acne medication that has placed claim as being the most effective acne solution. While some success has been noted by some of these popular acne medications, they offer no long-term solutions and the recurrence of acne after continuous medication can be very frustrating.

This is because these acne medications treat only the symptoms of acne and not its cause. It’s not entirely their fault as the real source of acne has yet been determined.

Many alternative experts and dermatologists though have dug up ancient methods and have revolutionized acne solution. Viewing internal toxins as an irritant causing acne, they propose that natural and herbal acne solutions can be the key, an old age solution to an age-old dilemma.

This holistic acne solution combines new and old, creams and sprays will still be used for short term relief of acne and an internal care regimen for the long term preventive relief and body detoxification will be done.

Another thing is that with this holistic approach to acne solution, there will be no side effects. Being natural, it is very safe. So trying it out will not cost you anything.

Various websites are already offering this alternative solution. If you have had a frustrating run in finding the right acne solution for you, then it is your responsibility to your skin to explore new acne solution options. Acne should not only be eliminated. They should be prevented even before they start.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cured acne after reading a book called No Acne for Me. I thought there were no cure or treatment but apperently I looked the wrong places. Acne free and acne cure - get this book.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cured acne after reading a book called No Acne for Me. I thought there were no cure or treatment but apperently I looked the wrong places. Acne free and acne cure - get this book.

1:42 PM  

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